And so I make my return to lazy blogging with a Lazy Chicken Cordon Bleu (not Blew as the spell-checker tried to convince me! ) The past few(?!) months, as much as I like cooking and baking and...
7 Mystery ingredients, 3 courses, 3 weeks to prepare. The Ready Steady Cook! challenge is based on the popular television show by the same name. The challenge is to create a 3 course meal, using 7 mystery...
I seemed to have bought a self replicating bag of guavas. This is strange, because there appeared to be a finite amount of fruit in the bag when I got it. Despite this, self replication appears to be...
According to the internet, Melkkos is a "milk-based South African dessert". Pfft. Anyone who has eaten Melkkos knows that this description falls miles short in describing the creamy, milky, comforting,...
On Saturday the 29th of May my friends and I participated in the most fun, amazing, entertaining and tasty event in Franschhoek namely the Lions Amazing Race!The Franschhoek Lions Club organised the...
I've had a craving for smoked snoek for quite a while now, smoked snoek pate specifically. It took one lazy Saturday afternoon and 15 minutes to make a fresh, creamy, smokey, lemony pate that is great...
Blueberry macarons. Tasty tasty blueberry macarons.If there is one thing that I learned at the 2010 Food Bloggers Conference, it is that you should always start your posts with a sentence relevant to...
I was a student with only a tiny 25l oven to my disposal. Now I'm a working person with only a tiny 25l oven to my name and an 'About me' page that requires some desperate attention. Stay tuned folks!